I'd had tickets for this for a while so was super excited to go! My bestie from the North had tickets too, for the Sunday, but ended up not being able to come, she gave me her ticket so i'll have a second blog up about Sunday too!!
First things first, downloaded the VLL program and tried to make a plan on what i wanted to see...
My plan looked like this: (I say looked cos it did change!)
12:15: Clea Grady (From Veganuary)
12:30: Cinema - Food Choice
1pm: KingCooksDaily
2:45: How to eat well with Veganuary
5pm: Cinema - Ghost in our Machine
First things first: goody bag!! (not pictured Ape, coconut curls, i ate these on the way in as i missed breakfast!)
Second thing: Foooooooodddd!! Happy Maki

I had the Fully Loaded: It was awesome, super tasty and really filling! I highly recommend going to see them!

There were so many cool stalls at the event, too many to do a in depth section on all of them or this blog will be far too long for anyone to get through, so here's a quick run down of some of the samples i had mooching around.
Morgan's Brew - I had a taste of the green tea gin. I'm not really a massive gin lover! But add green tea and i'm excited!!
Treevitalise - When i heard "Made for hangovers" I tried some....i'm sure its good for you, but i think i'll just stick to drinking regular H2O.
Mobile Massage were there for the day, and I've been hitting the gym for a few weeks now, so i decided to treat myself to a massage, they have a deal where you pay anything from £10 to £20 depending on what you feel the massage was worth. It was a great 20 minutes of heaven, they lady who massaged me did my back, shoulders and head and i felt every knot worked out.
As for my plan, it kind of went out of the window, The room by about 11:30 was so busy you pretty much had to shuffle everywhere.
I did manage to get to see Clea from Veganuary which was great, she talked through why she became vegan, and how she'd been veggie most of her life. And what i thought was most important, was how we need to be positive on social media, as Vegans, I also think this goes for everyone. There's so much negativity online, and negativity breeds negativity. Vegans are known for compassion and we need to show that to everyone and everything. You'll never win friends by shouting at them.
Later I went to see the how to eat well with the founders of Veganuary, they talked a lot about Dr Michael Greger's book "How Not to Die" Including giving out a hand out on "The Daily Dozen" (laminated no less, ohh fancy)
I missed @Kingcookdaily But that's ok, just means i'll have to take a trip to Shoreditch to try his food.
With the 2 movies i wanted to watch i was worried i'd miss out on other things if i sat for an hour and a half to watch them and figured i could watch them another time. So most of my time was spent checking out all the stalls...I bumped into Wear Your Voice And i was wearing a t-shirt of theirs which i got from York Veg Fest.
So i went on the hunt for some more Vegan tops. and i came across Ethics & Antics and grabbed an absolute steal of a bargain! (picture to come on the next blog!)
Phew that was long, hopefully you made it this far! I'll be writing up Sunday antics soon!
Keep it positive
Instagram : @endless_night07
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